Rush – quite possibly one of the best movies ever

10 Sep

i know this movie is now kind of old – but Rush is the kind of movie that seems to touch my heart and soul every time i watch it! and i watch it a lot! a lot a lot!

a lot of people think this is just a movie about formula 1 – to a certain extent it is – it is a movie about James Hunt and Niki Lauda, and their famous rivalry on the race track! but it is a movie that is much more than that, it is a movie about passion… about following and living your dreams!

there are a couple of movies every year that leave you with a lasting impression, perhaps a sniffle, a tear and quite possibly the churning of the wheels in our heads – they provoke thought and they inspire!

this is it! Rush is a primary example of what


Song of the Week: The Weeknd – Often

26 Aug


I have been into The Weeknd so much lately, im liking their style, music, and i cant deny the lyrics too :P Their remixes are amazing, have you heard Beyonce’s remix here?

Travel: Off to Malaysia

2 Aug


I was planning to go to the states again this summer, but unfortunately my plans had to change cuz it simply didn’t work out. fortunately, my and my friends came up with a backup plan and this plan was Malaysia.

 Traveling to east Asia was never in my plans, simply because I knew there were many other places that I would rather visit, so I never really looked into it that much except of what people used to tell me about it. 90% of why we chose Malaysia was because for visa issues and availability, but after searching through it and planning everything, now im sure 90% of this plan is something I want, need and looking forward to.

I’m gonna be gone for 10 days, where I will be visiting Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi and spending 2 nights in Genting. I have no expectations except for what I have read and saw in pictures, but I would love it if you have any recommendations for me, whether for food, places to visit and things to buy.

As some of you already know that I do have a thing for airplanes and crashes. It’s a thing I have developed over the years, but it never really stopped me from flying anywhere I wanted. It’s just that recently more than 4 plane crashed somewhere or got missing, and non of them makes sense to me, which is kinda scary and makes me not look forward to it. I will be traveling on the Srilankan airlines, so fingers crossed.

Guess Who’s Back?!

29 Jul



Its been almost 2 and a half years (if I’m not mistaken) when Cheeky moved to Dubai and settled there where she continued her career. Things havent been very nice since then, cuz she would be visiting once every 3 months for 3-5 days and we barely get to see her. But this all is about to change cuz SHES COMING BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKKK :D

YES! I’m very excited to have her back in Kuwait, back on the blog, and back where she belongs :D I’m sure she will tell you how she feels about it when she does, untill then, lets partaaaaaaaaaayyy :D

Song of the Week: Sia – Elastic Heart

28 Jul

Eid Mubarak عـيـدكـم مـبـارك

27 Jul


Eid Mubarak to all of our friends followers from yours turley Moody & Cheeky

TV: Scandal

25 Jul


I have been surprising myself lately of the change of taste when it comes to TV shows. I mean, I never thought I would ever wanna watch the 8 seasons of Desperate Housewives, or get into the cheesy drama of Sex & the City, or even be attached to the non existing, in your dreams kind of characters of Greys Anatomy, but guess what, I did, and now im doing it again with Scandal.

The only difference about Scandal is that…it IS different. The show is very well written, the amount of vocabulary they use is unbelievable, and the way the connect the characters can be over whelming.

To me this wasnt in my agenda since I know it had to do a lot with politics, and I don’t like that, not one bit. But after I started watching it, I realized how im interested I am in conspiracies and how I started connecting the dots myself and turns out to be right most of the times!

I just started watching season 3 and its going well, however I do sense some repetitiveness and unrealistic connections, but lets see how it goes. I hope this season has a WOW ending. Here’s the trailer incase you havent seen it before:

Trailer: 50 Shades of Grey

25 Jul

Well…its no surprise everyone will be talking about this till Valentine’s day since everyone was so crazy about the books. I honestly read the first one, half of the second and then lost interest. Watching movies is always more interesting to me, so I will be looking forward this one.

I can’t say I’m happy with the cast, I donno I just don’t see them as the right people for the characters, but I guess will have to wait and see.

What are your thoughts?

Video: Around the World in 360 Degrees

16 May


Alex Chacon has been traveling around the world for three years, documenting his adventure in a rotating selfie which the only thing changing is the incredible scenery behind him. God i wish i can have that! dont you?

TV: Grey’s Anatomy

3 Mar



Yep I said it, I’m becoming one of those people, or should I say .. one of those girls? doesn’t matter, what matters is that im like everyone else at the moment, and I finally know what Grey’s Anatomy is all about.

2 years ago probably I was so against many drama series that were aired, simply because I used to consider it a waste of time, too much drama, and not really my interest. It all started with me watching Desperate Housewives, then moving on to Sex and the City, and now this! I just had to! Its like everyone knows whats happening except me, and I just don’t wanna be the elephant in the room, so I started watching it :P

I would be lying if I said that I fell in love with it, because I didn’t! The show can be boring sometimes, repetitive, and pain in the ass. nevertheless, it’s a good waste of time! I really enjoy watching it in the morning on weekends, or before I go to bed at night. All im saying is that it’s not bad.

So far I have reached season 7, and people been ruining a lot of the events for me, so im trying to watch it as fast as possible to catch up with everyone else. I gotta say that I hated the fact that Izzy no longer on the show, that George died, and that Owen exists!

oh well, whose your favourite?